coming of age at 20
What is it?
“coming of age at 20” is essentially what is labeled on the tin. Growing up, I was fascinated with the whole girl blogger idea. The one that stood out most to me, and which also reflects this mission statement the most, was Julie Powell, who creates a blog to document her journey through the recipes of of one Julia Child’s cookbooks. She’s very candid about her successes and struggles, something I really admired, and find I still admire in an age of social image perfectionism. (Also I highly recommend watching Julie and Julia). There’s a lot of talk of how 11-18 is the coming of age period with a lot of media representation, but what about the actual young adults? I didn’t feel like I truly started to grow until I turned 20. Thus, this newletter was born.
Okayyyy, who’s writing this?
Hi! Sorry I didn’t introduce myself earlier! My name is Kari and I’m a Californian writer. If you want to find out more about me here is my bookstagram and my website.
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